Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Final poster

Final poster

Grass Hopper file


Draft Poster

Dynamic Architecture - Rotating Tower

I began by Looking into Dynamic Architecture and some concepts going on at the moment.
One of the concepts i came along was "A moving skyscraper for New York" where they discussed
having a view which changed over night .

These buildings come at a high cost and have only been thought of been built in Dubai a few concepts are still being discussed.

I tried to incorporate this kind of theory into my design, through Grasshopper my structure can change width twist and rotate similar to the building in the video above.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Figuring out Rhino render

Playing with transparency

Trying out different shapes with
the sliders

Twistted Forms

After experimenting with tree branch forms i was having alot of difficulty and decided to change to Twisted Forms and figures

This building concept is all about the idea of always changing forms
and twisting and rotating, this is the basis for my model and what i
tried to capture.

A natural form of twisting and turning created by a tornado.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Draft of Branches/ Student suggested tutorial

Tree Branch form created in Rhino, need to form them from GH

Student Suggested Tutorial:

My student suggested tutorial comes from Benjamin Hur. Allowing you to create
an array of boxes and also being able to change the sizes of the boxes however you
want with sliders

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 2 Task - Research

I did some research Into tree structures and found an architectural firm that literally uses tress in their designs and soley depend on the structure of the tree to create their buildings. This interested me as i want to apply this type of structure into my model.

This shows an example of they can be used. This for me is to Literal as
they actually use trees to create the structure i however would like to more
integrate the branches more grasshopper like the picture in the bottom left.

Branch effect i wish to Create, perhaps with move branches.

Walkway tutorial

Grasshopper - Joining surfaces

Possible Themes and concepts

Tree Branches

Tree Branches have an amazing way of creating random patterns and shapes, the lines they create are a truly natural from.

Veins in a Leaf

The forms created on a leave are truly amazing and follow a systematic line all the way through the leaf

Weave Patterns

These types of patterns are a perfect base for a strong structure, playing with this notion could help create an interesting outcome.